

The Barrie Community Health Centre is a publically funded not-for-profit organization providing primary health care, chronic disease management and health promotion programming for residents of Barrie and area.

Our Team Includes:

Community Health Workers, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Physicians, Medical Administrative Assistants, Social Workers, Physiotherapists, Registered Dietitians, Diabetes Educators, and You

**The Medical Offices are not walk-in clinics. An appointment is required.**

What are CHCs?

Community Health Centres (CHCs) are non-profit organizations funded by the Ministry of Health that provide primary health and health promotion programs for individuals, families and communities. A health centre is established and governed by an elected board of directors.

CHCs work with individuals, families and communities to strengthen their capacity to take more responsibility for their health and well being. They provide education and advice on helping families access the resources they need from other community agencies. CHCs work together with others on health promotion initiatives within schools, in housing developments, and in the workplace.

They link families with support and self-help groups that offer peer education, support in coping, or are working to address conditions that affect health. As such, the Community Health Centre Program contributes to the development of healthy communities.

Ontario’s CHCs serve over 110 communities throughout Ontario. Altogether there are 73 centres and most of these centres run satellites which extend their geographic reach. Each centre is an incorporated, non-profit agency, governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. CHCs provide primary care services with an emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention. CHCs also work with local residents to build the capacity of the community to improve its general health.

2023 Strategic Plan

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Milestones Community Health Centre:

  • A Major Step forward in Health Care
  • March 7, 1986 – First meeting of the Citizens’ Committee on Community Health.
  • March 26, 1986 – Public meeting addressed by Dr. Doug Sider of the Parkdale Community Health Centre, Toronto.
  • April 3, 1986 – At the Ontario Medical Association panel the chairman of the Citizens’ Committee on Community Health was an invited participant along with representatives of the OMA, the government, Progressive Conservatives and the Nurses’ Association.
  • June 16, 1987 – Proposal approved by the DHC and forwarded to the Ministry.
  • June, 1988 – Extension of proposal submitted to the Ministry of Health.
  • February 13, 1989 – Bruce Owen, MPP, announces the decision to fund the Centre.
  • January 15, 1990 – Barrie Community Health Centre opens doors for service.
  • January 10, 1991 – First annual meeting of the Barrie Community Health Centre elects first user/member Board of Directors.

There are two reasons why establishing a community health centre is a major step forward in the healthcare system. The first reason is that the Centre provides preventive practice through a team of health practitioners. This preventive approach aims at keeping people well rather than waiting for illness to occur. Linked with preventive practice the Health Centre engages in vigorous health education and promotion programs based on the interests of people in the community who want to keep well. The second reason is that the policies and programs of the Centre are determined by its Board of Directors who are elected user/members of the Centre. This is the only place in the health care system where the consumers of health care have a say in how health care is to be organized and delivered. The Health Centre achieves its goal through creative co-operation among professionals (physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, educators, etc.) and consumers.

David Smith Chairman of the Board (1991)
Barrie Community Health Centre Chairman,
Citizens Committee on Community Health

BCHC Client Rights

As a Client of the BCHC, you have the right to:

  • Be treated in a kind, dignified and respectful manner
  • Receive care without discrimination as to race, ethnic group, age, religion, disability, gender, or sexual orientation
  • Be informed about all available services (see our website bchc.ca or BCHC Program Guide)
  • Expect that all information about your care and services provided will be kept private according to the law. Information gathered from you throughout the course of your care or involvement with the Centre will be subject to the rules of confidentiality as well as the Privacy Code (see Awareness of and agreement to Confidentiality Policy, Limits to Confidentiality Policy and Privacy Code).
  • Be given information in a way you understand. If you visit for the purpose of receiving clinical attention, you have a right to understand the types of care provided before you receive care.
  • Consent to assessment and treatment based on information about the care including the pros and cons as well as associated costs.
  • To refuse treatment and be informed of the consequences.
  • Expect that all care provided on your behalf will be conducted in a professional manner.
  • Issue a complaint regarding your care at the Centre addressed to the Chief Executive Officer
  • Access the information in your health record and correct factual errors.
  • Appeal decisions to withhold or limit access to the information in your health record (see Access to Client Information).
  • Know if clinical students may be helping in your care, under supervision, and that you have the right to refuse if you do not wish to have students participate in your care.

Corporate Organization

Description of Board Role


Overall Statement of RolesThe board of directors is a legally established body that has overall responsibility and accountability for the running of the organization.  The volunteer board is the cornerstone of the Centre’s structure.  Responsible and responsive voluntarism is dependent of those persons who by accepting membership on the board have assumed the duties of trusteeship and stewardship in maintaining the Centre and providing for its financial support.  Although a professional staff carries out the Centre’s service programs, the board of directors establishes the policies, guides the Centre’s development, and provides its leadership.

Because the board of directors is drawn from and representative of the community (membership) that community has expectations of the board.  It expects the board to do the following:

  • Assure that the services offered are congruent with the legal and moral mission set forth in the Centre’s bylaws and mission statement.
  • Assure that these services are appropriate, effective, and relevant to ever changing community social welfare needs.
  • Be constantly aware of the interests and demands of three constituencies:  the Centre’s clientele, contributors (including its funders), and the community at large.  Each of these has the right to hold the board accountable for the quality and quantity of service the Centre renders.

Briefly, the board of directors is responsible for the overall planning and decision making of the Centre that facilitates the attainment of the goals and objectives defined for the Centre and its programs through its mission statement.  From the perspective of our funders the board of directors is considered to be legally responsible for the overall management and for the conduct of the Centre in those activities for which they have provided funding.  In addition, it is incumbent upon the board to solicit and receive input from the community it serves and to articulate the Centre’s policy position and direction to the membership of the Centre based on that input.

Community Partners


Volunteer Services Program

The Barrie Community Centre (BCHC) offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. A BCHC volunteer is a person who is unpaid and participates in a service, program, or sits on a committee of the Centre. Volunteers are recognized by BCHC staff for their unique skill set and knowledge and are placed in volunteer positions accordingly. Each volunteer has a current job description which outlines their role, responsibilities and which staff person they report to. BCHC program staff work closely with volunteers to help them develop new skills and improve their health and well being.

Volunteers’ rights and responsibilities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

No openings at this time

Please check back again soon.

Our vision:

"A healthy and engaged community"

At BCHC, we value:

Compassion | Collaboration | Person-centredness | Quality and Excellence | Equity

 Our Mission:

"The BCHC empowers individuals and communities to improve and manage their own
health and wellbeing through the provision of integrated healthcare programs and services."

Every One Matters

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Designed by Aaron Nursoo