Overall Statement of RolesThe board of directors is a legally established body that has overall responsibility and accountability for the running of the organization.  The volunteer board is the cornerstone of the Centre’s structure.  Responsible and responsive voluntarism is dependent of those persons who by accepting membership on the board have assumed the duties of trusteeship and stewardship in maintaining the Centre and providing for its financial support.  Although a professional staff carries out the Centre’s service programs, the board of directors establishes the policies, guides the Centre’s development, and provides its leadership.

Because the board of directors is drawn from and representative of the community (membership) that community has expectations of the board.  It expects the board to do the following:

  • Assure that the services offered are congruent with the legal and moral mission set forth in the Centre’s bylaws and mission statement.
  • Assure that these services are appropriate, effective, and relevant to ever changing community social welfare needs.
  • Be constantly aware of the interests and demands of three constituencies:  the Centre’s clientele, contributors (including its funders), and the community at large.  Each of these has the right to hold the board accountable for the quality and quantity of service the Centre renders.

Briefly, the board of directors is responsible for the overall planning and decision making of the Centre that facilitates the attainment of the goals and objectives defined for the Centre and its programs through its mission statement.  From the perspective of our funders the board of directors is considered to be legally responsible for the overall management and for the conduct of the Centre in those activities for which they have provided funding.  In addition, it is incumbent upon the board to solicit and receive input from the community it serves and to articulate the Centre’s policy position and direction to the membership of the Centre based on that input.

Our vision:

"A healthy and engaged community"

At BCHC, we value:

Compassion | Collaboration | Person-centredness | Quality and Excellence | Equity

 Our Mission:

"The BCHC empowers individuals and communities to improve and manage their own
health and wellbeing through the provision of integrated healthcare programs and services."

Every One Matters

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